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Only registered users with a verified account, which you can create here, are allowed to bid. We will verify this account after you upload at least two documents: a valid ID or passport and a confirmation of having a bank account. You can also register as a legal entity; more information is in the Article 3.2. of our Terms and Conditions here. This procedure is in accordance with the Czech legal Act No. 253/2008 Coll. (Act on Certain Measures against Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing).

It is possible to participate in the auctions by submitting limits up to which the auction platform bids on your behalf. For a better understanding, please feel free to look at the following video:

Video: How does pre bidding work?

After the pre bidding period comes the closing period, during which you can be actively bidding. We have prepared for you a short video explaining you how to do so:

Video: How does the auction closing work?

You can also bid on your smartphone which has a slightly different design. Have a look on the following video to find out how the bidding is designed for smartphones:

Video: How to bid on your smartphone?

You will find a detailed explanation of the auction process in the Article 8.5. of our Terms and Conditions here

Please send us your offer at info@artslimit.com

Attach to your email photos of the front and back sides, detail of the signature and any documents proving the provenance of the artwork.

You can set up several personalized notifications regarding your favorite lots and artists for a more comprehensible and comfortable experience on the Artslimit auction platform. All the messages can be sent via email or WhatsApp according to your preferences. How to set up these notifications is explained in the video below, feel free to have a look!

Video: How to set up notifications?

In case you own valuable pieces, which you don’t wish to sell, Artslimit provides tailored made financing solutions for your collection. For more information, please contact us at info@artslimit.com

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